Specialist in creating personalised memorials
for your lost LOVED ones


Low cost memorial options

Three options to choose from:

Special Package Offer 1 - $2495.00
Medium Saddle Headstone Set in Grey G633 Granite
Headstone Size: 60 x 45 x 7.5cmwith a matching Plain Base in Grey G633 Granite (without vases)
Base Size: 90 x 25 x 10cm

Price Includes:
- Inscription up to 150 engraved headstone letters painted white or black.
- 8 x 10cm Oval Ceramic Photo
- Artwork (to the value of $100.00)
- Ex Yard or Installation to local areas*

*Concrete foundations are not included
*Additional costs may apply for extra lettering, artwork valued over $100.00, package upgrades & travel
*Local areas include Tauranga and Mt. Maunganui

Special Package Offer 2 - $2695.00
Medium Saddle Headstone Set in Steel Grey Granite
Headstone Size: 60 x 45 x 7.5cmwith a matching Plain Base in Steel Grey Granite (without vases)
Base Size: 90 x 25 x 10cm

Price Includes: - Inscription up to 150 engraved headstone letters painted white.
- 8 x 10cm Oval Ceramic Photo
- Artwork (to the value of $100.00)
- Ex Yard or Installation to local areas*

*Concrete foundations are not included
*Additional costs may apply for extra lettering, artwork valued over $100.00, package upgrades & travel
*Local areas include Tauranga and Mt. Maunganui

Special Package Offer 3 - $2895.00
Medium Saddle Headstone Set in Black & White Granite
Headstone Size: 60 x 45 x 7.5cm with a Plain Base in White Speckle Granite (without vases)
Base Size: 90 x 25 x 10cm

Price Includes:- up to 150 engraved headstone letters painted white or silver
- 8 x 10cm Oval Ceramic Photo
- Artwork (to the value of $100.00)
- Ex Yard or Installation to local areas*

*Concrete foundations are not included
*Additional costs may apply for extra lettering, artwork valued over $100.00, package upgrades & travel
*Local areas include Tauranga and Mt. Maunganui

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